Over time, bathrooms can look old, tired, even ugly. Don’t spend thousands on major renovations or deal with weeks of mess. Whether it’s chips, outdated colours or tile you simply can’t stand any longer, we can make your bathroom shine again in just a few hours.
Call it resurfacing, refinishing or re glazing, we provide a guaranteed, glossy, easy-to-maintain finish for your bathroom by spraying new coatings over your existing fixtures. These products are so durable they are the only resurfacing solutions able to withstand underwater environments like swimming pools and hot tubs.
Call or email us to get us refinishing your bathtub, tile, counter top or sink. With more than 16 years making Lower Mainland bathrooms beautiful, we refinish acrylic/fiberglass, enamel and porcelain, so you know we’ll do a great job for you.
Please review our FAQ on what you can expect in resurfacing.